


As with any community that encourages users to generate content and conversation, boundaries and rules must be set to ensure all are kept safe and privacy maintained. Below is a list of items that are constantly monitored and may be grounds for post / comment removal.

HIPAA / Privacy Violation

We remove posts or comments that violate patient privacy and have any personally identifiable information. This includes photos, video, or text that can be used to trace back to the identity of a patient being discussed.

It's Spam

We remove posts or comments that are considered to be spam. Spam is content that is for the purpose of unsolicited commercial advertising or simply sending the same message over and over again.

Nudity of Sexual Activity

We remove any and all posts or comments that are considered to be sexually explicit, suggestive of sexual activity, or representative of any pornographic imagery.

Hate Speech or Symbols

We remove any posts or comments that contain hate speech or symbols of hate. Hate speech is as a direct attack against people — rather than concepts or institutions— on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, religious affiliation, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity and serious disease.

Bullying or Harassment

We remove posts or comments that are considered bullying or harassment. This includes direct or indirect threats or making unwanted and malicious contact with another member.


Users are expected to abide by a set of practices while using SurgeOn. Deviation from these set norms is grounds for both moderation, suspension, or even revocation of membership. Below is a list of reportable offenses that we constantly monitor.

False, abusive, hateful, or inappropriate

Users that add content that is considered categorically false, abusive, hateful, or inappropriate will be investigated and possibly removed from the platform.


Users that are pretending to be someone else will be investigated and possibly removed from the platform.

Suspicious or spam

Users posting content that is considered suspicious or spam-like are investigated and possibly removed from the platform.

HIPAA / Privacy Violation

We take patient privacy very seriously. Users that violate patient privacy, or divulge patient health information will be investigated and possibly removed from the platform.